Moms Fit Life Fitness Favorites

Build your home gym!

Today's post will be short and sweet. It is about finding the right equipment. I’m not saying you need a full blown gym, but definitely something you can do most anything with. There are a few key pieces of gear that I feel should be staples in every household and then a few that are just great to have. I also believe that there is some equipment that is a little more quirky, but so very helpful. The equipment mentioned in the article is also some of what you will need for working the Moms Fit Life Programs. Click the photos to links for the recommended product.

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Dumbbells: If you have the space and money, I would start with that. I would get at least 2 pairs, one light and one heavy.

*Resistance Bands: Get even more out of them with ankle attachments, door anchors and detachable handles.

*Booty Bands: Get a set of these great bands! The cloth non-slip ones are much more comfortable. However, the rubber ones (like the photo) can be more versatile. Make sure to get a range of resistances.

*Foam Roller: I have a serious love/hate relationship with this guy, but it is so worth it and has a lot more functions than you think!

*Anti Cellulite Cups: Despite the name, the reason I suggest these has nothing to do with Cellulite. They are fantastic for helping break up scar tissue (Hello, C-Section mammas!) and for helping the Fascia get moving and mobile when you are tight or sore.

Stability Ball: This is a great tool that can be used in so many incredible ways. You can even substitute a bench with this. Get that core firing!

Trigger Point Ball: Great tool for helping get the hard to reach places (that foam rollers can't reach), and for helping get your muscles to relax and stay out of an exercise.

Bench or Step Combo: This great step can do all the things your step/box can do and all the things your bench can do. Plus has little slots to help keep your bands in place so you can use those too.

TRX or Suspension Trainers: A wonderful, use it anywhere, versatile tool. You can do anything with this wonderful equipment, and the gradual increases you can do really help those gains!

Med Ball: Make sure to get a SLAM ball, not the bouncy med balls. The slam ball will fall dead when it hits the floor. The other kind of med ball will bounce off the floor and knock you in the nose. But this is a great piece of equipment to get that heart rate up and keep you moving.

Kettle Bell: Kettle Bells are a great addition to a home gym and can add a little extra to any dumbbell workout. They will help challenge your core engagement and the stability across your joints.

*If you are going to only pick one or two, pick one of these.

There maybe some more specific equipment, tailored to you. However, this is a great place to start for anyone. If you have questions or specific needs please feel free to reach out to Moms Fit Life today! We can get you started with the right programming and equipment right away, and allow you to get back to you.